Our modern mini excavator series packs power, efficiency, and reliability in a compact size. The compact digger and other machines boost productivity and complete excavation tasks.

TYPHON Machinery believes in  providing exceptional customer service, competitive pricing, and comprehensive technical support. We don’t just sell a mini excavator, skid steer or machinery; we aim to forge lasting partnerships with our valued customers.

Contact us today and establish a long-term business relationship with us.

mini excavator in warehouse

Contact Us

TYPHON Machinery Offices

Blk 73, Geylang Bahru, #06-3062,
S(330073), Republic of SIngapore

2642 River Ave #A. Rosemead
CA 91770, United States

Email Address

Sales Enquiries - [email protected] Tech Enquiries [email protected]

Phone Support

Singapore: +65-88051086
United States: +1 424 653 6764
United States: +1 323 522 5733
Cambodia: +855-86719472

Top Compact & Mini Excavator Diggers- TYPHON Machinery
Top Compact & Mini Excavator Diggers- TYPHON Machinery
Top Compact & Mini Excavator Diggers- TYPHON Machinery